April 24, 2012

100 Poems Project. on your mark, get set, WRITE.

A good friend of mine Leo bond has proposed that the two of us colaborate and attempt to publish a book of poetry. The goal is to write 100 poems (50 each) and then compile the top 25 each and ship it off into the world of cold hard rejection. Wish us luck; it's going to be a long and rocky road, drenched with spilled ink. A Movement Towards God Murmurs of excited voices melt through the door of Father Daily’s class. “...revolutionary idea that people who Are not priests and nuns can be holy...” No one seems to notice. “...natural inclination toward God...” Breakfast while driving in the rain. “...perfection of the universe...” The voices move down the hall To melt into other classes. “...some will translate this as spirit.” Boy in orange sips his coffee. “...you are what makes the world what it is.” Boy with buzz-cut checks Facebook again. “...your ability to care...” Brown girl in corner watches grass out the window. “...and what is the perfection of love?” Girl with piercings raises her hand...